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Bear Karry, July 26 2021

5 Real Estate Photography Tips to Attract Homebuyers

When selling your home, you want to attract as many potential buyers as quickly as possible and get the best prospective offer. Unfortunately, no matter how attractive your property is, you won’t sell as fast as you expected if you don’t have the right set of photos. This means your listing images have to be more than just high quality. To ensure you capture the best possible shots, here are some real estate photography tips you should follow:

Prepare the Property before the Shoot

Models and celebrities usually have their hair and makeup done before a big shoot. This also applies to your real estate. Before taking photos of your property, make sure your space looks inviting and orderly. Take your time to clean your building’s different rooms and get rid of any noticeable clutter. Besides your open spaces, you must also take note of individual areas like bathrooms and bedrooms.

Remember to use natural light to your advantage by opening all curtains and blinds. You can also add different decorations or switch the positions of your furniture to make your house look more appealing.

Add Colorful Items to Your Home

Adding a splash of color to your home makes your property look and feel more welcoming and attractive. With a coordinated palette, you can capture your potential buyers’ attention, which is especially important when viewing photos online. To do this, focus on small details and accents by incorporating a vase of flowers, a bowl of fruit, or colorful artwork into your spaces.

Use the Right Photography Equipment

Whether you are a professional real estate photographer or not, you need to have the right equipment to get the job done if you want your photos to affect your property’s sale. While you can take decent pictures with your phone, you need a high-end camera, preferably with a wide-angle lens, to capture amazing shots. You also have to purchase other accessories like tripods, softbox umbrellas and a set of memory cards. 

If you are using a DSLR camera, remember to match the correct settings when taking specific photos. Although automatic settings may seem easier to use, it’s recommended to switch to Manual mode. Set your ISO to 100, aperture to F/8, then adjust the shutter speed accordingly.

Mind the Height

When taking photos of your property, don’t forget to consider the height. To get your camera into a suitable position, place it around four feet off the ground. Set it at 5.5 feet off the ground if you are taking photos of rooms with worktops. Doing this will allow your potential buyers to get a good sense of your space by visualizing photos taken near their line of sight.

Never Skip Editing

Post-processing completes the overall photography process. This includes doing color corrections and adjusting the brightness, contrast, shadow, and white balance. You may also have to perform item removal or even virtual staging when some details could not be corrected during the shoot itself. Remember to use the right software, like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom, to do proper photo editing.


Selling your home can be tricky when done online. Besides staying competitive with your marketing efforts, you need to make your potential buyers get a feel of your house. For this reason, you may want to consider getting professional help with your property listings.

If you need help from an expert in luxury real estate photography in St. Petersburg, feel free to reach out to Bear Karry Productions. We are skilled in professional real estate photography, from the initial shoot down to the editing process. All photos are delivered within less than 24 hours after the shoot. Contact us to book an appointment!

Written by

Bear Karry

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