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Bear Karry, September 15 2021

3 Benefits of Using Matterport 3D for Real Estate Virtual Tours

The real estate industry has become more competitive throughout the years. As a real estate agent, you may have been feeling all the stress and pressure of doing your work regularly while being far behind in terms of proper presentations and innovative tours. Luckily, all of that can be changed and made more convenient with the help of Matterport 3D. 

Matterport 3D is a software that allows you to tour potential property buyers in a virtual setup that perfectly resembles their dream homes. While it may seem impractical at first, remember that all technologies come with various advantages. You’ll have a firsthand experience of such benefits as the real estate agent, and you’ll also have the privilege to know if it actually improves your bottom line.

With all of that said, we’ve listed down a couple of benefits that the Matterport 3D software may provide for your daily task. Take note of them and analyze the potential benefits you can enjoy from the investment: 

It Enables the Potential Buyer to Visualize Their Dream Home Better

A buyer will most likely want to envision how the place will look like with their valuables in it. In that case, Matterport 3D may be able to help them out with that. 

The software is designed to be customizable, meaning that the replica of the property in the virtual setting can be changed as necessary—perfect for the buyer to visualize how it will look once they’ve moved in. There will be no need for rough sketches, and neither will there ever be a need for estimates of floor space, as all the necessary details will be included in the tour.

It Will Save Everyone a Lot of Time

Before an actual home tour takes place, the seller would have to prepare the property to make it look suitable for the buyer, the real estate agent will have to coordinate with both parties to schedule the whole activity, and the buyer will have to drive towards the location. 

In short, everyone will have to go through time-consuming tasks before even starting with the tour itself. It doesn’t always have to be this way, especially with the help of the Matterport 3D software. 

Everyone can just log in to their computer, do all the communicating and coordination online, and experience the whole tour without leaving the comfort of their homes, saving everyone their precious time, just in case the deal falls through.

It Will Enable the Potential Buyer to View the Property for as Long as They Want

Most house tours only last for an hour or less. The truth is that this wouldn’t even be enough for the buyer to analyze whether or not the house is really a perfect match for them. Of course, everyone needs to take their time when trying to make a significant decision, and this particular case falls into that category. 

Matterport 3D is all about giving the buyer the chance to check every section of the property that is up for grabs. Thanks to the detailed and interactive interior plans, you can be sure that the buyer may have a clear decision by the end of the tour.


Matterport 3D is an essential tool that will give the real estate agent, seller, and buyer the chance to approach the home tour with convenience and clarity. Aside from the fact that it will save everyone’s time, it will also enable the buyer to visualize their dream home better, explore the replica of the property as long as they want, and give both the real estate agent and the seller peace of mind. 

If you are looking for a company with expertise in Matterport 3D property photography in St. Pete, FL, look no further than Bear Karry Productions. We specialize in real estate photography, offering you only the most stunning photos fit for every 3D virtual tour. Contact us today for more information about our visual services.

Written by

Bear Karry

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